
Primary Sources

Video/Digital Recordings

Culture Clash, “American Border Gladiator” Vimeo, 1993, 2:37

Culture Clash, “Bernando the Dinosaur,” Vimeo, 1993, 45:53

“Culture Clash’s Totally Fake Latino News.” PBS. Last modified September 23, 2020.

Culture Clash, “ Mex-men” Vimeo, 1993, 42:18

“Culture Clash Compilation.” Vimeo, 2017,

“Richard Montoya: 25 Years Of Laughing About Race.” NPR. Last modified August 14, 2009,

“Wilson’s re-election ads on illegal immigration.” YouTube. Last modified July 15, 2007.

Audio Play

Montoya, Richard, Ric Salinas, and Herbert Siguenza. Chavez Ravine. Directed by Lisa Peterson, Los Angeles: L.A. Theatre Works, 2004. DVD.

Oral History

Herbert Sigüenza interviewed by Javier Jara, January 20, 2021, Interview 100 minutes.

Ric Salinas interviewed by Javier Jara, January 27, 2021, Interview 87 minutes.

Ric Salinas interviewed by Javier Jara, January 29, 2021, Interview 150 minutes.


Montoya, Salinas, Siguenza, Salinas, Ricardo, Siguenza, Herbert, and Culture Clash. Culture Clash: Life, Death, and Revolutionary Comedy. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 1998. Primary Sources

Culture Clash. Culture Clash in “Carpa Clash” playbill. CSUN. 1993.

— Olmos J Edward, Santana Carlos, “Culture Clash’s Cinco de Mayo Special” Script, January 8, 1992.

—, “Latino Vote 92,” Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, 1992.

—, “ Los Tres Locos” Script, May,17 1995.

—, “ Los Angeles.” Photograph, 1990.

—, “ Television show ratings” Fox Television, Flyer. 1992-1994.

—,Culture Clash in S.O.S. postcard, CSUN. July 9, 1992.

—. “Chavez Ravine” playbill. CSUN. 2003.

—. “A playbill from the attic of “The Mission” by Culture Clash”. CSUN. 1988.

—. Playbill from The Mission for the Los Angeles Theater. CSUN. 1990.

—. “American Border Gladiators sign” CSUN. 1993.

—.Culture Clash in “Bordertown,” San Diego Repertory Theater’s handbill CSUN.1998.

—. Draft script of “The Mission”. CSUN. September 8, 1988.

—, “ Valet Symphony” script, May 17, 1995.

Gomez, Ignacio. “A Bowl of Being” print. CSUN Archive. 1992.

Montoya, Richard. “Chicanos in Hollywood.” CSUN. Last modified January 28, 1995.

—. “Altar for Ric Salinas.” CSUN. September 1989

—. The Mission playbill. August 1989.

—, “Big Top Locos – Cypress Hill Rage Against the Machines FOBIA”, October 22, 1994.

Salinas, Ric, “Aqui se venden mapas” Script.

—, “Brownface”,Photograph. No date.

—, “Bernabe” article, August 2, 1985.

—, “Culture Clash Montage.”, Photograph. No date.

—, “Comedy Troupe the Most Hilarious”, Photograph. No date.

—, “Culture Clash with taped mouths”, Photograph. No date.

—, “Caravan to El Salvador” Tickets, January 29.

—, “Dare To Live !, Si Se Puede.” Script, October 15, 1987.

—, “El Sol de San Diego-Salinas Interview.”, Article, December 17, 1992.

—, “Kultcha,”, California License Plate, June 2000.

—, “M.C. Gordo Rap” Script. No date.

—, “Man’s humor survives scrape with death” The Californian. No date

—, “Profile Ricardo “slick ric” Salinas.” Resume.

—, “Promo for Culture Clash: Creative notes.”. No date.

—, “Rick Salinas-head shot.” No date.

—, “Ric’s Benefit,” October 30, 1989.

—, “Reflections-Excerpt from “Bowl of Beings.”: Monologue, July 23,1991.

—, “Soldado Razo Lowrider -El Teatro Campesino” magazine, June 1985.

—, “Salsa Goes to Hollywood-MC” “Slick Ric ” January 26,1985.

—. “20th Century Fox-group headshots: publicity.” Photograph. CSUN. No date.

—, “ Una Noche del Teatro `95” article, July 21,1995.

—, “Untitled -Story Idea by Ric Salinas” Script, January 15, 1991 .

—, “Teatro Campesino actor injured in SF shooting.” CSUN. September 8, 1989.

—, “Totem pole formation” photograph. No date.

—. “This is For My Pansa.” CSUN. No date.

—, “ Vatos in da hood” Script. No date.

—, “ Videomania” Script. No date.

Sigüenza, Herbert, “Comedy Troupe-history and context” press release, No date.

—, “El Gran Robo,”. Aztlan Mexico, Flyer, February 2. No date.

—, “Fox Television Show – TV Times”, article, November 28-December 4, 1993.

—, “Fox Television Show – Workshop” flyer, August 29, September 5.

—, “Herbert as Julio Iglesias – Viva Chicano Festival”, Photograph, 1986-1987.

—, “Herbert as Michael Jackson”, Photograph, 1985.

—, “Herbert as Mick Jagger”, Photograph, 1985.

—, “Herbert as Prince”, Photograph, 1985.

—, “La Opinion – Panorama”, article, November 12, 1991.

—. “McCartney and Lennon, Where’s Ringo.” Photograph. CSUN.

—, “San Jose – Culture Clash” , Photograph, 1984.

—, “Smith, Roger Guenveur (director of Radio Mambo) – Culture Clash Returns,” Photograph, September 21, 1997.

—,”A Benefit for “Slic Ric” of Culture Clash”. CSUN Archive. Last modified October 1, 1989.

—, “Stand and Deliver Pizza” Manuscript. CSUN. 1992.

—, “Stand and Deliver Pizza” Sketch. CSUN. 1992.

—. “Tribute for José Antonio Burciaga – With their father,s” Photograph, 1996.

—, “TeleGuia – Vea El Especial De Julio Iglesias En España”, February 1990.

—. “The return of Che” Manuscript.CSUN. 1992.

—, “Montoya, Richard as Jesus.” Photograph. No date.

—, “Umbrella, Chair, and Telephone – Culture Clash,” Photograph, 1985.


Secondary Sources

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Aparicio, Frances R. “Jennifer as Selena: Rethinking Latinidad in Media and Popular Culture.” Latino studies 1, no. 1 (2003): 90–105.

Bailey, Constance. “Fight the Power: African American Humor as a Discourse of Resistance.” The Western Journal of Black Studies 36, no. 4 (2012): 253-63.

Carrillo, Sean. “¡Tenemos Asco! An Oral History of the Chicano Art Group.” Frieze, Issue 224, January 4, 2022.

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García, David Gumaro. The Evolution of a Critical Race Theater: Culture Clash and Chicana/o Performance Art, 1965-2005. University of California, Los Angeles, 2006.

García, David G. 2008. “Culture Clash Invades Miami.” Qualitative Inquiry 14 (6): 865–95.

Glenn, Antonia Nakano. 2005. “Casting Themselves: Culture Clash and the Comedy of Resistance.” Contemporary Theatre Review 15 (4): 413–26.

Gonzales, Manuel G. Mexicanos: a History of Mexicans in the United States. Third edition. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2019.

Herrera, Patricia. 2017. “Building Latinidad, Silencing Queerness: Culture Clash’s Nuyorican Stories.” Theatre Topics 27 (1): 71–82

Holmes, Seth M. “‘Is It Worth Risking Your Life?’: Ethnography, Risk and Death on the U.S.–Mexico Border.” Social Science & Medicine (1982) 99 (2013): 153–161.

Huerta, Jorge A. “The Campesino’s Early Actos as Templates for Today’s Students.” Latin American Theatre Review 50, no. 1 (2016): 133–145.

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Jennifer Kim. “Racism’s Back Door: A Mixed-Methods Content Analysis of Transformative Sketch Comedy in the US from 1960-2000.” Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies 7, no. 3 (2020): 142-62.

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Sloan, Dennis. From La Carpa to the Classroom: The Chicano Theatre Movement and Actor Training in the United States, Chapter 1: 76, 2020.

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