About Page

This website presents a select number of stage and television performances from the sketch comedy group Culture Clash, a selection of primary source documents from their work as a troupe, and original content analysis of their performances. The resources archived here include interesting items that are not easily accessible elsewhere, including some never-before-seen materials. The hope is that it will help create a platform for future generations to access and learn about Culture Clash. It will serve as a gateway for those who want to learn more about the individual members and the group as a whole.

The thematic focus of this website is how Culture Clash performances have critiqued the negative images and stereotypes of Latinx populations. It is important to note here that the Latinx community in the United States is not monolithic but rather characterized by significant variety in, and intersections of, experiences and identities of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, language, regional affiliation, politics, etc. Culture Clash group members explore the complex multiplicity of Latin-ness, or Latinidad, in their sketches. This digital archive attempts to document this important and underappreciated work.